Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - þæt
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- þæt
- I l a. add :-- Gelamp ... ꝥ hí cómon on Scotland upp, Bd. 1, 1; Sch. 11. 4. Ðá wæs ymb clxxxviii wintra fram Drihtnes menniscnysse ꝥ Severus cásere ... sé wæs seofonteogeða fram Agusto, ꝥ hé ríce onféng, 1, 5; Sch. 17, 6-11: 1, 4; Sch. 16, 8. I 2. add: where the verb in the main clause is passive :-- Ne wæs hé forlǽten ꝥ hé ofer him deádum gefége, Bd. 1, 7; Sch. 26, 2. Ic wæs beden from þaem bisceope þaeti ic him áléfde ... þeti ic him forgéfe ..., Cht. E. 42, 1-4. (Cf. tó ðon þaeti, 8.) III 1. add :-- Hé eác gedyde þæt Antonius his freónd wearð, Ors. 5, 13; S. 244, 28. Hé næfþ his fóta geweald ꝥ hé mæge gán, Bt. 36, 4; F. 178, 13. On sumre stówe se hróf wæs ꝥ man mid his handa neálíce gerǽcean mihte, Bl. H. 207, 22. Ne híwa ðú swilce ðú mæge ... wið hí mótian ðæt ðín mód ne beó yfele besmiten, Hex. 48, 11. ¶ In the charters the word is used almost with the force of until, marking the point reached in tracing a boundary :-- Swá west wið ðan heáfdan ðæt hit cymð tó ðǽre ealdan dúne; andlang dúne west ðæt hit cymeð intó Dinamore ... súð ðæt hit cymeð tó ðárii slæde, C.D. iii. 389, 14-23: 24: 25: 27, and often. III 2 a. add :-- Hwá is swá dysig ꝥ wille etan þá stánas and lǽtan þá hláfas, H.R. 11, 15. IV. add :-- Geseah ic freán efstan, þæt hé mé wolde on gestígan, Kr. 34. Ábreóðe his anginn, þæt hé hér swá manigne mann áflýmde, By. 243. V 2. add: cf. hú; III 2 a a. þæt