Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - þenden
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- þenden
- I. conj. While. (1) where the periods of the actions marked by the verbs in the conjoined clauses are co-extensive, as long as, (all the) while (that) :-- Ic Drihtne singe þenden ic wunige on worulddreámum psallam Deo, quamdiu era, Ps. Th. 103, 31. Byþ his sóþfæstnys mǽre þenden þysse worulde wunaþ ǽnig dǽl justitia ejus menet in seculum seculi, 111, 3: l01, 10: Cd. Th. 93, 9; Gen. 1542: 56, 7; Gen. 908. Ne pearft ðú ðé wiht ondrǽdan, þenden ðú míne láre lǽstest, 130, 33; Gen. 2169: Beo. Th. 574; B. 284. Mon mæg gelácnian, þenden of ðære lifre sió blódsceáwung geondgét ealne ðone líchoman, Lchdm. ii. 222, 9. Heó wǽron leóf Gode, ðenden heó his word healdan woldon, Cd. Th. 16, 18; Gen. 245. Þenden, 73, 5; Gen. 1200: 194, 3; Exod. 255: 216, 17; Dan. 8: Beo. Th. 59; B. 30: 114, B. 57: Exon. Th. 157, 34; Gú. 901. Þendan, 37, 8; Cri. 590: 50, 14; Cri. 800. Þendon, Andr. Kmbl. 3422; An. 1715. Þynden, 2648; An. 1325. Þenden wé on eorðan eard weardigen, Exon. Th. 48, 15; Cri. 772: Ps. Th. 105, 5. (2) where the verbs of the conjoined clauses denote contemporaneous actions. they shall sit at their play, while their grief slips away, Exon. Th. 345, 3; Gn. Ex. 182. (3) where the period of the action of the verb in the first clause is included within that of the verb in the subjoined clause, while, at some time during the period when :-- Gif ic ǽnegum þegne þeódenmádmas forgeáfe, þenden wé on ðan gódan ríce sǽton, Cd. Th. 26, 22; Gen. 410. Hé frægn ða mænigeo hwæt hine gemǽtte, þenden reordberend reste wunode, 223, 21; Dan. 123. II. adv. Meanwhile :-- Heorot innan wæs freóndum áfylled, nalles fácnstafas Þeód-Scyldingas þenden fremedon, Beo. Th. 2043; B. 1019. Dǽdum mildheort, þenden geðyldig, Ps. Th. 85, 14: 91, 13. v. preceding word. þenden