Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - þrowing
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þreowing, e;
- þrowing
- f. I. suffering as opposed to doing :-- Verbum is word, and word getácnaþ weorc oððe ðrowunge oððe geþafunge, Ælfc. Gr. 5; Zup. 9, 3. Him (the verb) gelimpþ siginficatio, ðæt ys getácnung, hwæt ðæt word getácnige, dǽde oððe þrowunge oððe náðor, 19; Zup. 119, 14. II. suffering which is painful :-- Ic geteorode on ðære þrowunga, Ps. Th. 38, 11. Ðú ne þrowast nǽnige þrowunge on ðínum líchoman, Blickl. Homl. 157, 15. Wæs monigu ðrowunga from swíðe monigum lécum fuerat multa perpesa a compluribus medicis, Mk. Skt. Rush. 5, 26. Hé gehýrde heora þrowunga he heard of their sufferings (they had been struck blind), Blickl. Homl. 153, 35. II a. as a medical term, a painful symptom :-- Tácn ðæs ofercealdan magan, ðæt ða men ne þyrst, ne hí swól gefélaþ on magan, and ne biþ him ǽnig wearm þrowung getenge, Lchdm. ii. 194, 13. III. suffering that is undergone for the sake of religion, suffering of persecution, cross (in the phrase to take up one's cross) :-- Him God wolde æfter þrowinga þonc gegyldan, ðæt hé martyrhád móde gelufade, Exon. Th. 130, 22; Gú. 442. Lǽdæ ðróunc his and fylge meh tollat crucem suam et sequatur me, Mk. Skt. Lind. 8, 84. Ðrowung (ðrowunge, Rush.), Lk. Skt. Lind. 9, 23. Ðróung (ðrowunge, Rush.), 14, 27. Se ðe in þrowingum þeódnes willan dreógeþ, Exon. Th. 125, 18; Gú. 356: 148, 26; Gú. 750. Gehýran heora þrowunga to hear of the sufferings of St. Peter and St. Paul, Blickl. Homl. 173, 2. III a. suffering which ends in death, passion, martyrdom :-- Ðrouinges martyrii, Rtl. 64, 18. Ðróunges passionis, 50, 23. Ic, eówer emnðeówa and Cristes ðrowunge gewita, Past. 18; Swt. 137, 16. Se ðe biþ gemyndig Drihtnes þrowunge and his ǽriste, Blickl. Homl. 83, 14. Ða móddru on heora cildra martyrdóme þrowodon ... neód is ðæt hí beón efenhlyttan ðæs écan edleánes, ðonne hí wǽron geféran ðære ðrowunge, Homl. Th. i. 84, 20. On hwæs tíman hé ðrowunge underhnige in whose time he had submitted to martyrdom, ii. 506, 31. Ðæt hé tó ðrowunge becóme ad martyrium pervenire, Bd. 1, 7; S. 478, 12. Be Cristes ðrowunge de passione dominica, 4, 24; S. 598, 13. Drihten ús mid his þrowunga álésde, ðá hé on róde galgan ástág, Blickl. Homl. 97, 10: 35, 7: 81, 31. Ðrowenge passione, Rtl. 50, 4. Hé ongan árweorþian ða ðrowunge háligra martyra honorem referre incipiens caedi sanctorum, Bd. 1, 7; S. 479, 1. Þurh his þrowinga, Exon. Th. 29, 29; Cri. 470: 69, 33; Cri. 1130. III b. the anniversary of a martyr's suffering :-- On ðone feówer and twéntygoðan dæg ðæs mónðes byð Sci. Crissoȝones týd and þrowung, Shrn. 151, 17, 31. Þreowung, 114, 21. [Vre drihtnes halie passiun, þet is his halie þrowunge, O. E. Homl. i. 119, 26. Inntill þrowwinnge and pine, Orm. 15205. Cheosen er licomes hurt þen soule þrowunge, A. R. 372, 6. Wiðuten ðhrowing and figt, Gen. and Ex. 1317. O. H. Ger. druuunga passio.]