
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - þrymm

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:


m. I. a host)">or power?)">host, great body of people, a force, multitude :-- Eall heofonlíc þrym (cf. ðæt heofonlíce werod, 1. 9) hire tócymes fægnian wolde. Eác wé gelýfaþ ðæt Drihten sylf hire tógeánes cóme all the heavenly host)">or power?)">host would rejoice at her advent. We believe, too, that the Lord himself would come to meet her, Homl. Th. i. 442, 13. Ðé þanciaþ þúsenda fela, eal engla þrym ánre stefne, Hy. 7, 50: Cd. Th. 267, 11; Sat. 36. Ealle ábúgaþ tó ðé, ðínra engla þrym, Hy. 7, 11. Seó heá duguð and se engla þrym, Exon. Th. 65, 33; Cri. 1064. Glæd gumena weorud,... heofonduguða þrym, 101, 7; Cri. 1655. Hé wile cuman in wolcne and mid engla þrymme, Blickl. Homl. 121, 19. Hé ásende Rapsacen mid micclum ðrymme (with a great army, A.V. Is. 36, 2), Homl. Th. i. 568, 6: ii. 304, 6: Homl. Skt. ii. 25, 531. Se ðe mid micclum þrymme (cf. hé com mid werode, 763) þrang intó ðam temple, 781. Se hundredes ealdor com mid mycclum þrymme, 841. Heora godas ne mihton hí gescyldan wið mínne ðrymm (host)">or power?)">host or power?), Homl. Th. i. 568, 10. Hý forheówan Heaðobeardna þrym, Exon. Th. 321, 21; Víd. 49: 461, 14; Hö. 35. Cyning (God) on gemót cymeþ þrymma mǽste, 52, 15; Cri. 834. Ðú (Christ) ǽr wǽre eallum geworden worulde þrymmum, 14, 10; Cri. 217. Of ðǽm engelícum þrymmum host)">or glories?)">from the angelic hosts (or glories?), Blickl. Homl. 5, 13: 21, 15. Weras and wíf, wornum and heápum, ðreátum and þrymmum þrungon and urnon, Judth. Thw. 23, 40; Jud. 164. Se ðe herga þrymmas on geweald gebræc, Cd. Th. 127, 14; Gen. 2110. I a. a great body of water :-- Flóda þrym (the host)">or power?)">host of waters) sealte sǽstreámas sǽlðe habbaþ commoveatur mare et plenitudo ejus, Ps. Th. 95, 11. Ýþa ðrym the host)">or power?)">host of waves, Beo. Th. 3841; B. 1918. Swá wætres þrym ealne middangeard mereflód þeahte cum diluvium mersisset fluctibus orbem, Exon. Th. 200, 16; Ph. 41: Andr. Kmbl. 3070; An. 1538. Wé þuruh flóda þrym faraþ transivimus per aquam, Ps. Th. 65, 11. Com æfter niht lagustreámas ( = es?) wreáh þrym mid þýstro night covered the great mass of water with darkness, Cd. Th. 148, 1; Gen. 2450. II. force, power, might :-- Ðǽr wæs módigra mægen forbéged, wígendra þrym, Andr. Kmbl. 3142; An. 1574: 6; An. 3. Clang wæteres þrym the water's might withered, i.e. the water was frozen, 2522; An. 1262. On ðære fyrde wǽron feówertig þúsenda and seofon þúsenda swýðe gewǽpnode, and cómon ðá mid þrymme tó Iudéiscum cynne, Homl. Skt. ii. 25, 334. Hié wið Drihtne dǽlan meahton wíc werodes þrymme by the might of their band, Cd. Th. 2, 31; Gen. 27. Eall ðæt ða þeódguman þrymme (host)">or gloriously?) geeodon">by force or gloriously?) geeodon, Judth. Thw. 26, 17; Jud. 332. Se mec mæg écan meahtum, geþeón þrymme, Exon. Th. 427, 14; Rä. 41, 91. Bewyl þrimme (strongly, thoroughly) ðæt ealo on ðære wyrte, Lchdm. ii. 276, 14. Hé þrymmum (mightily, with power) cwehte mægenwudu mundum, Beo. Th. 476; B. 235. Seraphinnes cyan unáþreótendum þrymmum singaþ the seraphim with unwearying powers sing, Exon. Th. 24, 22; Cri. 388. III. glory, majesty, magnificence, greatness, grandeur :-- Mín þrym is from eastewearde middangearde óþ ðæt westanweardne majestas mea peruenit ab occidente usque in orientem, Nar. 25, 24. Drihtenes þrym the majesty of the Lord, 274, 34; Sat. 164: Exon. Th. 37, 26; Cri. 599: Judth. Thw. 22, 30; Jud. 86. Wæs him (the fallen angels) forbíged þrym, wlite gewemmed, Cd. Th. 5, 12; Gen. 70: 306, 11; Sat. 662. Lof wíde sprang, miht and mǽrðo, þrym unlytel, Apstls. Kmbl. 16; Ap. 8. Þín heáhsetl is þrymmes áfylled, Wulfst. 254, 18. Wuldres déma, ðrymmes hyrde, Judth. Thw. 22, 15; Jud. 60: Blickl. Homl. 65, 32. On ðone gefeán ðæs heofonlícan þrymmes, 63, 27. Þremmes, 73, 34. Gif him (a king) geberede, ðæt him wurde oftogen þrymmes and wǽda and þegnunga, Met. 25, 32. Mið ðý cymeþ in ðrymme his cum uenerit in majestate sua, Lk. Skt. Rush. 9, 26, 31: 21, 27: Bd. 3, 22; S. 552, 16: Exon. Th. 106, 22; Gú. 45: Hy. 8, 40. Babilon ðe ic self átimbrede tó kynestóle and tó ðrymme Babylon quam ego aedificavi in domum regni, Past. 4; Swt. 39, 17: Homl. Th. ii. 432, 32. Mín werod fóran ymb mé úton mid þrymme (with magnificent array), and herebeácen and segnas beforan mé lǽddon, Nar. 7, 16. Hé fór mid ðrymme and mid prasse, Homl. Skt. i. 23, 26: Elen. Kmbl. 658; El. 329: Bt. 37, 1; Fox 186, 7: Met. 25, 13. Ne þreodode hé fore þrymme ðeódcyninges ǽniges, Apstls. Kmbl. 35; Ap. 18: Exon. Th. 112, 7; Gú. 140. Hiá geségon ðrymm (ðrym, Rush.) his uiderunt majestatem ejus, Lk. Skt. Lind. 9, 32: Exon. Th. 63, 23; Cri. 1024: 234, 17; Ph. 541. Ðínes mihtes þrym potentiain tuam, Ps. Th. 70, 18: Exon. Th. 349, 19; Sch. 48, Þone þrym and þa fægernesse ðæs temples the magnificence and beauty of the temple, Blickl. Homl. 77, 30. Wé Gár-Dena in geárdagum þeódcyninga þrym gefrunon, hú ða æþelingas ellen fremedon, Beo. Th. 4; B. 2. Þrymmas weóxon duguða dreámhæbbendra, Cd. Th. 5, 32; Gen. 80: Menol. Fox 468; Gn. C. 4. Eallra þrymma God, Elen. Kmbl. 1036; El. 519. Cyninga setl þrymmum (magnificently) gefrætewad, Wulfst. 253, 22. Heágum þrymmum most gloriously, Cd. Th. 1, 16; Gen. 8. Hé hié álǽdde of helle grunde on ða heán þrymmas (the high glories) heofona ríces, Blickl. Homl. 67, 22. IV. denoting a glorious, magnificent person or object :-- Ealra cyninga þrym (the Deity), Hy. 7, 45: Elen. Kmbl. 1629; El. 816. Ealra þrymma þrym, Exon. Th. 45, 28; Cri. 726. Rodera þrim, heofona heáhfreá, 26, 28; Cri. 423. Wuldres þrym, 6, 13; Cri. 83. Ðú ðe sitst ofer engla ðrymm (qui sedes super cherubim, Is. 37, 16) (or(?) ðrymm = host)">or power?)">host), Homl. Th. i. 568, 15. Mec (a hurricane) þrymma sumne one of glorious things, Exon. Th. 383, 2; Rä. 4, 4. [Her throme fourti thousand men thai founde (quoted in Halliwell). A god man on þat throm, C. M. 7423. Cf. Heo folc funden feouwer þrumferden (fouruald ferde, 2nd MS.), Laym. 1356. O. Sax. heru-thrummi in mid heruthrummeon violently: Icel. þrymr an alarm, noise (poet. of battle); used, too, in cpds. denoting a warrior.]

Parole correlate: cyne-, éðel-, god-, heáh-, heofon-, here-, hilde-, hyge-, mægen-, ofer-, wuldor-þrymm. þrymm
