Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - tiber
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
tifer, es;
- tiber
- n. A sacrifice, offering, victim:--Wit fýr and sweord habbaþ, hwǽr is ðæt tiber ðæt ðú torht Gode tó ðam brynegielde bringan þencest (cf. ic áxige hwǽr seó offrung sig; hér ys wudu and fýr ecce ignis et ligna; ubi est victima? Gen. 22, 7), Cd. Th. 175, 4; Gen. 2890. Ðú scealt mé onsecgan sunu ðínne tó tibre offeres filium tuum in holocaustum (Gen. 22, 2), 172, 31; Gen. 2852. Se ðe on tifre gesalde Diihten Hǽlend, 301, 1; Sat. 575. Hié Drihtne lác begen brohton; brego engla beseah on Abeles gield, cyning eallwihta, Caines ne wolde tiber sceáwian (ad munera illius (Cain) non respexit Dominus, Gen. 4. 5), 60, 9; Gen. 979. Noe tiber onsægde (obtulit holocausta, Gen. 8, 20), 90, 29; Gen. 1502: 108, 17; Gen. 1807. Hálig tiber (Isaac), 204, 6; Exod. 415. Ic on ðín hús gange and ðǽr tídum ðé tifer onsecge . . . Ðás ic mid múðe aspræc . . . ðæt ic ðé on tifrum forgulde ealle ða gehát ðe ic mid mínum welerum tódǽlde introibo in domum tuam in holocaustis . . . Haec locutum est os meum . . . : Holocausta offeram tibi, Ps. Th. 65, 12-13. Tiber, Cd. Th. 9, 2; Gen. 135. O. H. Ger. zepar, zebar hostia, sacrificium, holocaustum: Ger. ziefer in ungeziefer. Cf. Icel. tafn a sacrifice, victim. See Grmm. D. M. p. 36.] v. fyrd- (?), sige-, sigor-, wín-tiber (-tifer). tiber