
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - tíma

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:


m. Time, hour; tempus, Wrt. Voc. i. 76, 66: hora, ii. 132, 67. I. time when, time at which an event takes place:--Hit wæs ðá se tíma ðæt wínberian rípodon erat tempus, quando jam praecoquae uvae vesci possunt, Num. 13, 21. Swá mon eorðan wæstmas hám gelǽdeþ on rýpes tíman, Exon. Th. 214, 28; Ph. 246. Ðá gewearð hit on ðisum ilcan tíman oððe litle ǽr, ðæt . . ., Chr. 1009; Erl. 141, 28: 1015; Erl. 152, 9. Thomas tó ðam tíman ágeán férde búton bletsunga, 1070; Erl. 208, 9. Týman on ásettum týman, Homl. Th. i. 18, 26. On unálýfedum tíman, ii. 94, 3. Gebiddaþ ealle hálige tó ðé on tilne tíman (in tempore opportuno), Ps. Th. 31, 7. Ðonne hé nytwyrðne tíman ongiet tó sprecenne cum opportunum considerat, Past. 38; Swt. 275, 14. Ymbe ðone tíman ðe ðiss wæs at the time when this was happening, Ors. 4, 5; Swt. 168, 36. Tiéman, 4, 8; Swt. 186, 34. Ðæt hié ðoligen earfeðu ðǽm tímum ðe hié ðyrfen, Past. 36; Swt. 253, 10. Ne ðincþ mé nǽfre nánwuht swá sóþlíc swá mé þincþ ðín spell ðǽm tímum (tídum, Cott. MS.) ðe ic ða gehére cum tuas rationes considero, nihil dice verius puto, Bt. 38, 5; Fox 204, 23. I a. a time when a thing can or ought to be done, a proper time, oportunity:--Ðonne ðæs ðinges tíma ne biþ ðæt hit mon sidelíce gebétan mǽge . . . ac ðonne se láreów ieldende sécþ ðone tíman ðe hé his hiéremenn sidelíce on ðreát-igean mǽge cum rerum minime opportunitas congruit, ut aperte corrigantur . . . Sed cum tempus subditis ad correptionem quaeritur, Past. 21; Swt. 153, 1-6. Ús is tíma ðæt wé onwæcnen of slǽpe hora est nos de somno surgere, 63; Swt. 459, 33. Hwænne wylle gé singan? Þonne hyt tíma byþ, Coll. Monast. Th. 34, 5. Se wísa hit ieldcaþ and bítt tíman, Past. 33; Swt. 220, 10. Nis hit nán wundur, ðeáh se wása báde his tíman, 38; Swt. 275, 13. Hé ðencþ ðæs tíman hwonne hé hit wyrs geleánian mǽge deteriora rependere, si occasio praebeatur, quaerat, 33; Swt. 227, 23. I b. time as in the phrases, in time, in good time, be-times; proper time because soon enough:--Ealle ðás ungesǽlða ús gelumpon þurh unrǽdas, ðæt mann nolde him tó tíman (á tíman, MS. C.) gafol bédan; ac ðonne hí mǽst tó yfele gedón hæfdon, ðonne nam man grið and frið wið hí, Chr. 1011; Erl. 145, 2. Þcófas tó tíman (forthwith) forwurðan, búton hig geswícan, L. C. S. 4; Th. i. 378, 13. I c. an appointed time:--Mín tíma ys gehende, Mt. Kmbl. 26, 18. Drihtenes engel com tó his tíman on ðone mere, and ðæt wæter wæs ástyred, Jn. Skt. 5, 4. II. a period of time:--His tíma ne biþ ná langsum, Homl. Th. i. 4, 18. Hire tíma wæs gefylled, ðæt heó cennan sceolde, i. 30, 11. Ǽlces mannes tíma the time that each man lives, Anglia viii. 336, 27. II a. marking date or limit, time during which certain events are happening, during which a particular person is living, etc.:--On ðet gerád ðet hé hæbbe ðone bryce ðes landes swá lange swá his týma sý so long as he live, Cod. Dip. B. iii. 106, 39. Hit wæs gewunelíc on ðam tíman, Homl. Th. i. 60, 26. On mínum tíman swá on mínes fæder, L. Edg. S. 2; Th. i. 272, 28. On úrum tíman, Chart. Th. 240, 11. On ðara heáhfædera tíman . . . on Moyses and on ðara wítegena tíman, L. Ælfc. P. 6; Th. ii. 366, 7-8. Eall ðás geeodon in ússera tída tíman, Exon. Th. 147, 12; Gú. 726. II b. a season of the year:--Feówer tíman beóþ . . . Uer ys lengtentíma, and hé gǽþ tó túne on .vii. id. Febr. . . . Se óðer tíma hátte aestas . . . Se þridda tíma ys autumnus . . . Se feórða tíma ys genemned hiemps, Anglia viii. 312, 14-31. On wintres tíman, ðæt is fram ðan anginne ðæs mónðes, ðe is Nouember geháten, óþ Eástran, R. Ben. 32, 10. On ǽlcne tíman, ge on wintra ge on sumera, 33, 20. II c. an age of the world:--Þrý tíman sind on ðyssere worulde; Ante legem, Sub lege, Sub gratia, Homl. Th. ii. 190, 1. Ðrý tíman synd getealde on ðissere worulde. Án tíma wæs ǽr Godes ǽ . . . Óðer under Godes lage . . . Ðridde under Cristes ágenre gife, L. Ælfc. P. 6; Th. ii. 366, 6. III. as a grammatical term, time of pronouncing a syllable, quantity:--Ðæt rihtmetervers sceal habban feówer and twéntig tíman . . . Dactilus stent on ánum langum tíman and twám sceortum, and spondeus stent of feówrum langum, Anglia viii. 314, 10-15: 335, 14. IV. time, condition of things:--Æfter ðisum fæce gewurðan sceall swá egeslíc tíma, swá ǽfre ǽr ne wæs, Wulfst. 19, 3. Wá ðám wífum ðe on ðam earmlícan tíman heora cild fédaþ, 81, 7. [Icel. tími.]

Parole correlate: ǽfen-, ende-, gebyrd-, hærfest-, lencten-, mǽrsung-, nón-, riht-, ríp-, sǽd-, swig-, þrowung-, un-tíma; tíd. tima,-tima
