Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - tó-sprǽdan
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- tó-sprǽdan
- p. de To spread out, extend, expand, spread in different directions :-- Seó henn tósprǽt byre fyðera and ða briddas gewyrmþ, Anglia viii. 309, 26. Heó tósprǽt hire bósm ðǽr ðǽr ða réðan wuniaþ . . . , and heó is genyrwed on ðone ende ðe ða gesceádwísan wuniaþ she expands her bosom where the fierce dwell. . . , and is straitened in the quarter where the discreet dwell. Homl. Th. i. 536, 18. Tósprǽd ðíne fingras, Techm. ii. 122, 25. Ðæs mannes sáwl biþ on Gode tósprǽd, swá ðæt heó oferstíhþ middaneard, and eác hí sylfe, Homl. Th. ii. 186, 8. Stríc mid tósprǽddum handum niðer ofer ðíne breóst, Techm. ii. 119, 25. Wíf tósprǽddum loccum a woman with dishevelled locks. Lchdm. iii. 208, 10. [His holie lichame was tospred on þe holie rode, O. E. Homl. ii. 21, 29. Tosprad, 205, 33. He tospret touward ou his ermes, A. R. 402, 9. þe Brutones þat were tosprad here and þere, R. Glouc. 134, 15. With open hede . . . her hair tosprad, Gow. ii. 260, 4. O. L. Ger. te-spreidan dispergere: O. H. Ger. zar-, za-spreitan spargere, expandere, dispergere. ] to-sprædan