
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - torn

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:


n. [The word with its derivatives is almost confined to poetry; see, however, torn-wyrdan.] Violent emotion of anger or grief (cf. teran, and Goth. ga-taura a rent; ga-tauman to be torn). I. of anger, (a) where there is just cause, anger, indignation, wrath :-- Gewát torne gebolgen dryhten Geáta (Beowulf when the dragon ravaged the country), Beo. Th. 4794; B. 2401. Ne móton wyt on wǽrlogum wrecan Godes torn, Cd. Th. 152, 34; Gen. 2530: 4, 24; Gen. 58: 151, 13; Gen. 2508. Mé ðæt cynn hafaþ sáre ábolgen; nú mé Sethes bearn torn níwiaþ, 76, 16; Gen. 1258. Lífes leóhtfruma leng ne wolde torn þrowigean would not restrain his wrath, 146, 14; Gen. 2422. (b) unrighteous anger, rage :-- Wǽron teónsmiðas (the evil spirits) tornes fulle, cwǽdon ðæt him Gúðlác earfeþa mǽst ána gefremede, Exon. Th. 114, 22; Gú. 176. Beóþ ða gebolgne ... and heora torn wrecaþ will wreak their rage, 119, 24; Gú. 259. Synfull yrsaþ tóþum torn þolaþ teónum grimetaþ peccator irascetur, dentibus suis fremet, Ps. Th. 111, 9. II. of grief, grief, affliction, trouble, distress :-- Cyning eallwihta Caines ne wolde tiber sceáwian; ðæt wæs torn were hefig æt heortan, Cd. Th. 60, 10; Gen. 979. Hý twégen sceolon tæfle ymbsittan, ðenden him hyra torn tóglíde, forgietan ðara geócran gesceafte, habban him gomen on borde, Exon. Th. 345, 3; Gn. Ex. 182. Ðǽr wæs wópes hring torne bitolden, 34, 6; Cri. 538. Ðá wæs wópes hring, hát heáfodwylm, ofer hleór goten; nalles for torne teáras feóllon, Elen. Kmbl. 2265; El. 1134. Hé lét, torn þoliende, teáras geótan, Exon. Th. 165, 15; Gú. 1029. Inwidsorge ðe hié ǽr drugon and þolian scoldon, torn unlytel, Beo. Th. 1670; B. 833. Torn geþolode wine Scyldinga, weána gehwylcne, sídra sorga, 297; B. 147. Torn dreógan, Exon. Th. 131, 20; Gú. 458. Gristbitian mid tóðon torn þoligende gnashing their teeth in despair, Judth. 25, 21; Jud. 272. Abraham bæd him fultumes ... cwæð ðæt him wǽre weorce on móde, sorga sárost ... Hié Abrahame treówa sealdon, ðæt hié his torn mid him gewrǽcon on wráðum, Cd. Th. 122, 36; Gen. 2037. Ne sceal nǽfre his torn tó rycene beorn of his breóstum ácýþan, nemþe hé ǽr ða bóte cunne mid elne gefremman, Exon. Th. 293, 7; Wand. 112. Torna gehwylces, Beo. Th. 4385; B. 2189. [O. Sax. torn grief, affliction: Du. toorn anger: O. H. Ger. zorn commotio, zelus, fervor, ira, indignatio, dolor, molestia: Ger. zorn.] and next word. torn

Parole correlate: gár-, lyge-torn,
