
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - týnan

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

p. de To teen, tine (close. I. to fence, enclose :-- Me mæig on sumera týnan, Anglia ix. 261, 11. Gif ceotlas gærstún hæbben gemǽnne oþþe óðer gedálland tó týnanne, and hæbben sume getýned hiora dǽl, sume næbben, L. In. 42; Th. i. 128, 6. II. to close, shut a door, book :-- Miððý hígna fæder týneþ ðæt duro cum paterfamilias cluserit ostium, Lk. Skt. Lind. 13, 25. Ðonne týnde hé his béc clauso codice, Bd. 4, 3; S. 569, 10. Miððý ða duro uérun týndo cum fores essent clausae. Jn. Skt. Lind. 20, 19. III. to close a place, prevent entrance into a place, shut up :-- Gié týndon ríc heofna clauditis regnum coelorum, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 23, 13. IIIa. to prevent a person granting access to others (?), render a person inaccessible :-- Týne hine Dryhten ðam ðe sár sprece sáwle mínre may the Lord shut His heart to him that speaks evil against my soul, Ps. Th. 108, 20. IV. to close, conclude, bring to an end :-- Se hálga Willfriþ æfter .xlv. wintra ðæs onfongenan biscophádes ðone ýtemestan dæg týnde (diem clausit extremam,) Bd. 5, 19; S. 636, 43. [An ancre nule nout tunen hire eiðurles aȝein deað of helle, A.R. 62, 17. Þa ȝæten heo tunden uaste, Laym. 15320. Tynyn sepio; tynyd or hedgydde septus, Prompt. Parv. 494. O. Frs. be-téna: O. Du. tuinen: O.H. Ger. zúnen sepire: Ger. zäunen.] v. á-, ǽ-, an-, be-, bi-, for-, ge-, on-, un-týnan; fore-týn(e)d; tún. tynan

Parole correlate: Halliw. Dict.),
