Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - wæstm
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
(-em, -im, -um), es;
- wæstm
- m. n.: e; f. Growth, increase:--Wæstm crementum, i. augmentum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 136, 65. I. growth, produce, (1) fruit of the earth or of a vegetable (lit. or fig.), plant, fruit:--Wæstm fructus, Wrt. Voc. i. 80, 1. Ofet, wæstm fruges, frumenta, ii. 151, 31. Rædrípe wæstm praecoquus fructus, i. 39, 22. Oftost on treówcynne beóð ða treówa getealde feminini generis, and se wæstm neutri generis, Ælfc. Gr. 6, 9; Zup. 20, 15. Beó ðínes landes wæstm (fructus) gebletsod, Deut. 28, 4, 18. Se ðæs wæstmes (the fruit of the tree of knowledge) onbát, Cd. Th. 30, 21; Gen. 470. Ðæs wæstmes yrþ illius frugis seges, Bd. 4, 28; S. 605, 38. Bútan wæstme sine fructu, Mk. Skt. 4, 19. Weastme, Mt. Kmbl. 13, 22. Ða beámas wǽron gewered mid wæstme, Cd. Th. 30, 5; Gen. 462. Treów wæstm (westm, lignum faciens fructum, Gen. 1, 11. Seó eorðe wæstm bereþ terra fructificat, Mk. Skt. 4, 28. Hé geseah geblówen treów wæstm berende, Blickl. Homl. 245, 8. Sume sealdon weastm (wæstm, MSS. A. B., Lind.: wæstem, Rush.) alia dabant fructum, Mt. Kmbl. 13, 8. Ǽlc treów ðe gódne wæstm (woestim, Rush.) ne bringð omnis arbor, quae non facit fructum bonum, 3, 10. Dóð medemne weastm (wæstm, MS. A., Lind.: wyrþe westem. Rush.), 3, 8. Wæstim gódne, Lk. Skt. Rush. 3, 9. Beámas ða ðe mæst and wæstm mannum bringaþ ligna fructifera, Ps. Th. 148, 9. Eorðe salde westem his terra dedit fructum suum, Ps. Surt. 66, 7. Ðæt fíctreów, on ðæm hé nánne wæstm ne funde; ðæt getácnaþ ða synfullan ðe nabbaþ nánne wæstm gódra weorca, Blickl. Homl. 71, 35. Wæstm frumentationem, Blickl. Gl. Ða wæstmas beóð þurh ágne gecynd eft ácende, Exon. Th. 215, 19; Ph. 255. Fægre land ðonne ðeós folde seó, ðǽr wæstmas scínaþ Beirute, Cd. Th. 277, 34; Sat. 214. Bearwas wurdon tó axan, eorðan wæstma, 154, 10; Gen. 2553. Cumaþ (-eþ?) eádilíc wæstm on wangas, weorðlíc on hwǽtum convalles abundabunt frumento, Ps. Th. 64, 14. Of ðam twige ludon láðwende, réðe wæstme, Cd. Th. 60, 31; Gen. 990. [Ðec] wæstem (wæstme?) weorðian let earth's fruits honour thee (cf. benedicite universa germinantia in terra Domino, Hym. T. P. 76), Exon. Th. 190, 28; Az. 80. Weastma (wæstma, MSS. A. B., Lind., Rush.) tíd tempus fructuum, Mt. Kmbl. 21, 34. Wæstma, Ex. 23, 15; Met. 20, 101. Hig ǽton of ðæs landes wæstmum (de frugibus terrae), Jos. 5, 11. Welig on wæstmum and on treówum opima frugibus atque arboribus, Bd. 1, 1; S. 473, 13: Cd. Th. 81, 3; Gen. 1339. Eówres landes wæstmas (fruges), Deut. 28, 42: 1, 25. Westmas, 32, 13: Bt. 33, 4; Fox 130, 7. Wæstmas (wæstmo, Lind.) fructus, Lk. Skt. 12, 17. Him eorðe syleþ æþele wæstme, Ps. Th. 66, 6: 67, 15, 16. Ðú Adame sealdest wæstme, ða inc wǽron forbodene, Cd. Th. 55, 13; Gen. 894. (2) fruit of the body, offspring, progeny:--Beó ðínes innoðes wæstm (fructus) gebletsod and ðínra nýtena wæstm, Deut. 28, 4, 18. Innoðes wæstm (wæstem, Rush.), Lk. Skt. 1, 42. Se wæstm ðínes innoþes is gebletsad, Blickl. Homl. 5, 21. Ic eom búton westme, ne furðum án spearca mínes cynrenes nis mé forlǽtan, Homl. Skt. ii. 30, 205. Hé weorðlícne wæstm gesette, ðe of his innaðe ágenum cwóme, ofer ðín heáhsetl de fructu ventris tui ponam super sedem meam, Ps. Th. 131, 12. Ic his cynn gedó brád bearna túdre wæstmum spédig, Cd. Th. 169, 19; Gen. 2802. Módor ne bið wæstmum geeácnod þurh weres frige, Elen. Kmbl. 681; El. 341. Wæstmas fédan, Cd. Th. 59, 8; Gen. 960. (3) including the two preceding meanings:--Sceáwode Scyppend úre his weorca wlite and his wæstma blǽd níwra gesceafta, Cd. Th. 13, 24; Gen. 207. (4.) fruit of action, result:--For hwan gǽst ðú búton wæstme ðínes gewinnes? Blickl. Homl. 249, 5. Mínra gewinna wæstm gefullian, 191, 23. Of wæstmum weorca ðínra de fructu operum tuorum, Ps. Th. 103, 12. (5) fruit, that which may be enjoyed:--Hine Metod mundbyrde heóld, wilna wæstmum, and worulddugeðum, lufum and lissum, Cd., Th. 117, 3; Gen. 1948. Ic lisse selle, wilna wæstme, ðám ðe ðé wurðiaþ, 105, 24; Gen. 1758. (6) produce of money, usury. v. wæstm-sceatt:--Of wæstme ex usuris, Ps. Spl. 71, 14. II. growth, growing, (1) of the growth of plants:--Seó sunne tempraþ ða eorðlícan wæstmas ge on wæstme ge on rípunge, Lchdm. iii. 250, 18. (2) growing as opposed to diminishing, increase:--Seó sǽ and se móna beóð geféran on wæstme and on wanunge, Homl. Th. i. 102, 27: Anglia viii. 327, 26. (3) growth, thriving:--Mannum becymð rén ofer eorðan eów tó wæstme (that you may thrive), Homl. Skt. i. 18, 64. III. growth, condition reached by growing, stature, form; the plural is sometimes used when a single person is referred to:--On ealdlícum geárum bið ðæs mannes wæstm gebíged, Homl. Th. i. 614, 13. Úre fulfremeda wæstm is swá swá middæg, ii. 76, 17. Se man ána gǽð uprihte . . . hé sceal smeágan embe ðæt éce líf . . . swíðor ðonne embe ða eorðlícan þing, swá swá his wæstm him gebícnaþ, Homl. Skt. i. 1, 61. Ðé weorð wæstm ðý wlitegra, Cd. Th. 33, 14; Gen. 520. Swá wynlíc wæs his wæstm, ðæt him com from Drihtne, 17, 5; Gen. 255. Cniht, stranglíc on wæstme, Ælfc. T. Grn. 16, 41. Ða beóð on wæstme fíftýne fóta lange and on brǽde týn fót-mǽla homines longi pedum .xv. lati pedum .x., Nar. 37, 10 note. Hí (the Innocents) wǽron gehwǽde ácwealde, ac hí árísaþ mid fullum wæstme, Homl. Th. i. 84, 22. On geðungenum wæstme, ii. 76, 26. Ðæt feaxáfealleþ, ðe ǽr wæs fæger on híwe and on fulre wæstme, Wulfst. 148, 5. Sió hæfde wæstum wundorlícran, Exon. Th. 413, 13; Rä. 32, 5. Ðé is ungelíc wlite and wæstmas, siððan ðú mínum wordum getrúwodest, Cd. Th. 38, 27; Gen. 613. Wé gesáwon of ðam entcynne Enachis bearna micelra wæstma (procerae staturae), Num. 13, 34. Wundriaþ weras wlite and wæstma, Exon. Th. 221, 9; Ph. 332. Hé wæs lytel on wæstmum statura pusillus erat, Lk. Skt. 19, 3. Óðer wæs idese onlícnes, óþer on weres wæstmum, Beo. Th. 2708; B. 1352: Exon. Th. 214, 11; Ph. 237. Sum bið wlitig on wæstmum, 295, 18; Crä. 35. Se ðe hé oft ǽr mid wlite and mid wæstmum fægerne geseah, Blickl. Homl. 113, 17. [Fæla untime on corne and on ealle westme, Chr. 1124; Erl. 252, 33. Westmes þorð uuele wederas scal forwurðan, O. E. Homl. i. 13, 28. Wastmes and wederes-sele, Laym. 32108. Brohhte ȝho þe wasstme forþ off wambe, Orm. 1937. He was þogen on wintre and on wastme, O. E. Homl. ii. 127, 16. Marherete schan of wlite ant of wastum, Marh. 2, 34. Hire wliti westum vultus ipsius claritas, Kath. 310. On westme fæir, Laym. 15698. O. Sax. wastum fruit, growth, stature, form. Cf. Goth. wahstus: Icel. vöxtr: O. H. Ger. wahsmo fructus, statura.] v. bere-, eorð-, fold-, frum-, hwǽte-, lim-, ó-, on-, treów-, un-, up-wæstm. wæstm