
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - wamm

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:


m. n. I. in a physical sense, (a) a spot, mark, blot. stain :-- Wam livor, Wrt. Voc. ii. 50, 17. Wommum nevis, 61, 39. (b) filth, impurely, corruption :-- Wyrms oððe wom lues, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 27; Zup. 53, 7. Cwealmbǽrne wom letiferam luem (gipsae crudelitas, quae letiferam civibus luem inferebat, Ald. 69), Hpt. 518, 41. Wom illuviem, immunditiam (carceris, Ald. 48), 488, 31. Gold ðæt in wylme bið womma (woman, Kmbl. but MS. has woma) gehwylces geclǽnsod, Elen. Kmbl. 2618; El. 1310. II. fig. (a) a blot, disgrace, damage, hurt :-- Wom dispendium, Wrt. Voc. ii. 106, 40: 28, 11. Dispendium, i. dam-num, impedimentum, defectio, periculum, detrimentum æfwerdla, wonung, wom, wana, vel hénþa, 140, 68. Wæs him ful strang wom and wítu (cf. O. Sax. al getholóian wíties endi wammes, Hél. 1536), Cd. Th. 278, 24 ; Sat. 227. Wam maculam (qui arguit impium, sibi maculam generat, Progrievously punished), Beo. Th. 6138 ; B. 3073. (b) moral stain, impurity, uncleanness, defilement :-- Idese mid widle and mid womme be-smitan. Judth. Thw. 22, 12; Jud. 59. Fram wæmme leahtra a labe criminum, Hymn. Surt. 63, 5. Womme labe (qui genitus mundum miseranda labe resolvit, Ald. 182), Wrt. Voc. ii. 94, 43 : 52, 63. Wom nevum (moribus castis vivunt, ut spurcum vitarent pectore nevum, Ald. 168), ii. 92, 82. Synrust þweán and ðæt wom ǽrran wunde hǽlan, Exon. Th. 81, 11; Cri. 1322 : 94, 23 ; Cri. 1544. Óþ ðæt hafaþ ǽldes leóma woruldwidles wom forbærned, 62, 25 ; Cri. 1007. (c) evil, sin, shameful word or deed: -- Nǽfre wommes tácn in ðam eardgearde eáwed weorþeþ, ac ðé firina gehwylc feor ábúgeþ, Exon. Th. 4, 18 ; Cri. 54. Eorl óðerne mid teónwordum tǽleþ behindan, spreceþ fægere beforan . . . Byð ðæs wommes gewita weoruda Dryhten, Fragm. Kmbl. 12; Leás. 7. Genere mé fram ðam were ðe wom fremme a viro iniquo eripe me, Ps. Th. 139, 1. Wom dydon yldran ýsse, ðín bebodu brǽcon, Exon. Th. 186, 10; Az. 17 : Cd. Th. 234, 25 ; Dan. 297: Exon. Th. 68, 4; Cri. 1098. Of ðám welerum ðe wom cweðen a labiis iniguis, Ps. Th. 119, 2. Heó mé wom spreceþ, firenaþ mec wordum, Exon. Th. 402, 22 ; Rä. 21, 33. Nǽnig bihelan mæg on ðam heardan dæge wom unbéted, ðǽr hit ða weorud geseóð, So, 25 ; Cri. 1312. Wer womma leás, Cd. Th. 233, 29; Dan. 283: Menol. Fox 415; Men. 209: Exon. Th. 89, 4; Cri. 1452. Clǽne, womma leáse, 12, 19; Cri. 188: 450, 27; Dóm. 94. Womma clǽne, 103, 26 ; Cri. 1694. Ne ic culpan in ðé ǽfre onfunde womma geworhtra, and ðú ða word spricest, swá ðú sié synna gehwylcre gefylled, 12, l; Cri. 179. Hié wǽron womma ðríste, inwitfulle, Cd. Th. 77, 9; Gen. 1272. Ðú tó fela synna gefremedes; wé ðé nú willaþ womma gehwylces leán forgieldan, Exon. Th. 137, 15; Gú. 559. Áþweah mé of sennum, sáule fram wammum, Ps. C. 38. Ic eom dǽdum fáh, gewundod mid wommum, Cd. Th. 274, 20; Sat. 157. Riht ágyldan ealles ðæs ðe hé on worlde tó wommum gefremede, Blickl. Homl. 113, 4. Wídgongel wíf mon wommum bilihð, hæleð hý hospe mǽnaþ, Exon. Th. 337, 16; Gn. Ex. 65. Mánsceaða, wommum áwyrged, 95, 24; Cri. 1562: Cd. Th. 211, 26; Exod. 532. Unriht dón, wommas wyrcean, 217, 17; Dan. 24. Se ðe warnaþ him wommas worda and dǽda, Exon. Th. 304, 32 ; Fä, 79. [Goth. wammé ; gen. pl. macularum: O. Sax. wamm evil, wrong: O. Frs. wamm a blemish : O. H. Ger. wamm dam-num: Icel. vamm ; n. a blemish.] v. mán-, wlite-wamm. wamm

Parole correlate: 9, 7), Kent. Gl. 292. Hellbendum fæst, wommum gewítnad (
