
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - weard

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:


m. I. a guard, warder, watchman, sentinel:--Ðara wearda sum geseah ðæt of heofonum com án læs feówertig wuldorbeága . . . ðá gecerde se weard tó Criste, Shrn. 62, 5-8. Weard Scyldinga, se ðe holmclifu healdan scolde, Beo. Th. 464; B. 229: Ps. 126, 2. Se weard (the angel at the gate of Eden), Cd. Th. 58, 21; Gen. 949. Ða weardas custodes, Mt. Kmbl. 28, 4, 11. Ða weardas heóldon ðæs cwearternes duru, Homl. Th. ii. 382, 4. Snelle gemundon weardas wígleóð, Cd. Th. 191, 27; Exod. 221. Hine twégen ymb weardas wacedon, Exon. Th. 109, 6; Gú. 86. Ða byrgene besettan mid wacelum weardum (custodibus), Homl. Th. ii. 262, 8: Mt. Kmbl. 27, 66: Blickl. Homl. 177, 29. Salomones reste wæs mid weardum ymbseted, ðæt waes mid syxtigum werum, 11, 16. Hé sette him weardas ofer, Jos. 10, 18: Homl. Skt. i. 11, 210. I a. fig.:--Him oninnan oferhygda dǽl weaxeþ, ðonne se weard swefeþ, sáwele hyrde, Beo. Th. 3487; B. 1741. Geác, sumeres weard, Exon. Th. 309, 8; Seef. 54. Bánhúses weard the mind, Cd. Th. 211, 9; Exod. 523. II. a guardian, protector, lord:--Ðære cneórisse wæs Cainan aldordéma, weard and wísa, Cd. Th. 70, 22; Gen. 1157. Ðú (Nebuchadnezzar) hæleðum eart ána eallum eorðbúendum weard and wísa, 251, 19; Dan. 566. Engla weard (Lucifer), 2, 20; Gen. 22. Cyning, beáhhorda weard, Beo. Th. 1847; B. 921. Ríces weard, 2784; B. 1390. Folces weard, 5019; B. 2513. ¶ the term is often used of the Deity:--Weard servatorem (animae tuae, ProGoth. daura-wards: O. Sax. ward a guard, a guardian: O. H. Ger. wart custos: Icel. vörðr.] v. bát-, botl-, brego-, brycg-, burh-, carcern-, cweartern-, dæg-, drihten-, duru-, edisc-, eorþ-, éðel-, fore-, forþ-, freoðu-, gold-, gúþ-, hæg-, heáfod-, healf-, hearg-, heofon-, hof-, hord-, hýð-, irfe-, land-, lást-, leác-, leáctún-, lid-, mearc-, mere-, mylen-, niht-, regn-, regol-, scip-, sele-, stig-, stóc-, wudu-, wyrt-weard; also such proper names as Æþel-weard, Eád-weard. weard,-weard

Parole correlate: 24, 12), Kent. Gl. 932. Rodera weard, Cd. Th. 1, 2; Gen. 1. Lífes weard, 9, 20; Gen. 144. Sigores weard, Exon. Th. 15, 29; Cri. 243. Wuldres weard, 33, 17; Cri. 527. Heofonríces weard, Andr. Kmbl. 104; An. 52. [
