
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - weder

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:


n. I. weather, condition of the atmosphere :-- Uueder temperies, Wrt. Voc. ii. 122, 27. Gif hit sié gód weder, Lchdm. ii. 182, 10. Hyt byð smylte weder serenum erit, Mt. Kmbl. 16, 2: Bt. 23; Fox 78, 26. Ðonne wind ligeþ, weder bið fæger, Exon. Th. 210, 8; Ph. 182. Hreóh weder tempestas, Mt. Kmbl. 16, 3. Rén, swylce hagal and snáw, weder unhióre, Met. 29, 65. Hit wæs ceald weder, Ors. 6, 32; Swt. 286, 31: Met. 26, 28. Forstas and snáwas, winterbiter weder, Cd. Th. 239, 32; Dan. 379. Wearm weder. Exon. Th. 198, 30; Ph. 18. Réuig weder, 380, 18 ; Rä. 1, 10. Wederes blæst, hádor heofon-leóma. Andr. Kmbl. 1674; An. 839. Líþes weðres, Met. 12, 13. Wedere gelícost . . . on sumeres tíd, Cd. Th. 237, 34; Dan. 347. Ða sǽ ðe wæs smylte wedere glæshlútru, Bt. 6; Fox 14, 24. Þeah nine (a sick man) mon on sunnan lǽde, ne mæg hé be ðý wedre wesan (he can't stand the weather), þeáh hit sý wearm on sumera, Exon. Th. 340, 18 ; Gn. Ex. 113. Hé ús giefeþ weder líþe, Exon. Th. 38, 12; Cri. 605. Winter bringeþ weder ungemetceald, swifte windas, Met. 11. 59. On sumera ðonne ða hátostan weder synd, Lchdm. ii. 252, 10. Weder cóle-don heardum hægelscúrum, Andr. Kmbl. 2514 ; An. 1258. Wuldortorhtan weder, Beo. Th. 2276; B. 1136. Wedera cealdost, 1097; B. 546. Wedera cyst, Cd. Th. 238, 6 ; Dan. 350. Niht bið wedera þeóstrost, Salm. Kmbl. 621; Sal. 310. Ðeóf sceal gangan in ðýstrum wederum, Menol. Fox 544; Gn. C. 42. Hwý hí ne scínen scírum wederum, Met. 28, 45. Holmegum wederum, Cd. Th. 185, 6 ; Exod. 118. Ia. good weather. II. wind, storm, breeze, air :-- Weder aura, Wrt. Voc. i. 76, 43: 52, 59. Smylte wedere aure tenuis, ii. 4, 56: 6, 20. Blóstme fægerust raþe tó leohtnm forscrincþ wedere flos pulcherrimus cito ad leuem marcescit auram, Scint. 70, 3. Wedre ge-somnad, Exon. Th. 412, 19; Rä. 31, 2. In wedr in auram, Blickl. Gl. Weder, Ps. Surt. 106, 29. [Wurdon ormǽtlíca wædera mid þunre, Chr. 1117; Erl. 246, 15.] Wintregum wederum cum saevis aquilonibus stridens campus inhorruit, Bt. 5, 2 ; Fox 10, 31. Styrmendum wederum, 7, 3; Fox 22, 5. IIa. in reference to sailing, weather (as in weather-bow, -bound), wind. v. weder-fæst :-- Ðá gestód hine beáh weder and storm sǽ, wearþ ðá fordrifan on án íglond vela Neritii ducis eurus appulit insulae, Bt. 38, 1; Fox 194, 10. Ðá him weder com, and Godwine and ða ðe mid him wǽron wendan tó Brycge, Chr. 1052 ; Erl. 181, 19. Wearð ðæt wæder swíðe strang, ðæt ða eorlas ne mihton ge-witan hwet Godwine eorl gefaren hæfde, Erl. 183, 3. Hé ðǽs wederes ábád, 1094; Erl. 229, 36: 1097; Erl. 234, 20. Hé wearð þurh weder gelet, Erl. 233, 34. Gód scipstýra ongit micelne wind on hreóre sǽ ǽr ǽr hit geweorþe . . . warenaþ hé hine wiþ ðæt weder, Bt. 41, 3; Fox 250, 17. [O.Sax. wedar weather, storm: O. Frs. weder : O. H. Ger. wetar: Icel. veðr.] v. ge-, ofer-, un-weder, un-geweder. weder

Parole correlate: weder-dæg :-- Hine ne went náðor ne weder ne unweder of ðam ðe him gecynde ys, Lchdm. iii. 268, 3. Winter sceal geweorpan, weder eft cuman, sumor swegle hát, 338, 12 ; Gn. Ex. 77. Wedres on luste, 361, 28 ; Wal. 26. Rén cymð, ðonne eówre wæstmas wederes be-þorftan, Wulfst. 297, 11.
