
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - wending

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:


f Turning. I. a turning round, revolution. Cf. wendan, I. 2:--On ánre wendinge, ða hwíle ðe hé (the firmament) ǽne betyrnð, gǽð forð feówor and twéntig tída, Hexam. 5; Norm. 8, 30. II. a turning up or over:--Gif ðǽr sié ðæs hrifes wendung if the stomach be upset (?), Lchdm. ii. 228, 24. III. changing, mutation:--Ne wyrð ðisses nǽfre nán wending non movebor de generations in generationem, Ps. Th. 9, 26. Wendincg, 29 6. Earfoðe ys fǽrlíc wendincg difficilis est subita permutatio, Scint. 63, 20. Hit gedéð hit self him selfum suíðe ungelíc for ðære gelómlícan wendinge mutabilitate se varium exhibet, Past. 42; Swt. 306, 17. Orsorg líf lǽdaþ woruldmen wíse búton wendinge (cf. unonwendendlíce, Bt. 12; Fox 36, 24), Met. 7, 41. [Dyaþ is a wendinge, and þet ech wot, Ayenb. 70, 34. At the wendyng at the turn (versura), Pall. 44, 12.]

Parole correlate: á-wending. wending
