Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - wenian
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- wenian
- p. ede To accustom. I. to accustom, train, prepare, fit, (1) with prep. tó marking the end of the training:--Lǽrde hé ða leóde on geleáfan weg, wenede tó wuldre weorod unmæte, tó ðam hálgan hám, Andr. Kmbl. 3360; An. 1684. Hine his goldwine wenede tó wiste, Exon. Th. 288, 24; Wand. 36. Hié lǽrdon hira tungan and wenedon tó leásunga docuerunt linguam suam loqui mendacium, Past. 35; Swt. 239, 19. Ðæt ǽlc cristen man his bearn tó cristendóme geornlíce waenige, L. Edg. C. 17; Th. ii. 248, 9. Wenian tó gefeohte, Homl. Skt. ii. 25, 571. Tó ǽlcan rihte ús sylfe wenian and wéman, Wulfst. 266, 5. Godes folc wenian tó ðam ðe heom þearf sý, 154, 13. (1 a) with prep. tó, and mid marking the means used:--Ðæt éce líf geearnian ðe hý ús tó weniaþ mid láre and mid þysene gódra weorca to merit that life eternal, to which they are training us by teaching and by the example of good works, L. Edg. S. 1; Th. i. 272, 22. Man mag ylpas wenian tó wíge mid cræfte, Hexam. 9; Norm. 16, 10. Utan ús sylfe mid gódan geþance wenian tó rihte, Wulfst. 76, 2. (2) with prep, in, marking end attained by training:--Leorna láre, wene ðec in wísdóm train yourself so that you may be wise, Exon. Th. 303, 32; Fä. 62. (3) with instrumental:--Dó á ðætte duge . . . wene ðec ðý betran (cf. Icel. venjask with dat. to be accustomed to do a thing) always choose the better part, Exon. Th. 300, 17; Fä. 7. II. to draw, attract, (1) to draw to:--Ðæt æt feohgyftum Folc-waldan sunu dógra gehwylce Dene weorþode, Hengestes heáp hringum wenede (he should attach them to himself by presents), efne swá swíðe swá hé Fresena cyn byldan wolde, Beo. Th. 2187; B. 1091. Ðone ðe mec fréfran wolde, wenian (wéman? q. cf. Sulík folk laðóian, wennian mid willeon, Hél. 2818) mid wynnum, Exon. Th. 288, 10; Wand. 29. (2) to draw from:--Wene and teóh ðæt blód fram ðære ádeádedan stówe, Lchdm. ii. 84, 3. Hú mon ðæt deáde blód áweg wenian scyle, 8, 15. (2 a) to wean; ablactare:--Swá módor déþ hyre bearn, ðonne hió hit fram hire breósta gesoce weneþ, R. Ben. 22, 21. [O. Sax. wenian, wennian: O. H. Ger. wennen assuefacere: Icel. venja to accustom to (dat. or við).] v. á-, æt-, be-, ge-, mis-wenian; for-, ofer-wened. wenian