Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - weorþ
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
weorþe, worþ, wurþ, wyrþ, es;
- weorþ
- n. I. worth, value, (1) of things :-- Underwed ðæt sý ðæs orfes óðer healf weorð a security that is half as much again as the value of the cattle, L. O. D. 1 ; Th. i. 352, 9. Be ðæs ceápes weorðe (wyrðe, ), L. In. 49; Th. i. 132, 16. Be éwes weorðe (wyrðe, v. l.), 55 ; Th. i. 138, 6. Be his wlites weorðe . . . swá man ðæt weorð up árǽran mihte, L. Ath. v. 6, 2 ; Th. i. 234, 6-10. Gilde ðæs pyttes hláford ðæra nýtena wurð, Ex. 21, 34. (2) of persons, worth, worthiness:-- Ðæt be ðære cennendra gefyrhtum ðæs bearnes weorþe ongyten wǽre, Blickl. Homl. 163, 27. II. price of anything sold, amount paid for purchase or redemption :-- Hig cwǽdon : 'Hyt is blódes weorð' (v. l. wurð, worð, Lind. : weorð, Rush., praetium sanguinis), Mt. Kmbl. 27, 6, 7, 9. Noldon hig nánes wurðes onfón, ac forgeáfon him ða birgene, Gen. 23, 6. Hí sumne dǽl heora landes wurðes æthæfdon, Homl. Th. i. 316, 24. Hire innoþ ðú gefyldest mid ealles middangeardes weorþe (cf. Homl. Skt. ii. 27, 120 infra, and next passage), Blickl. Homl. 89, 19. Hé áhongen wæs fore moncynnes mánforwyrhtum, ðǽr hé lífes ceápode mid ðý weorðe, Exon. Th. 68, 3 ; Cri. 1098. Hé monige mid weorþe álýsde he redeemed many by purchase, Bd. 3, 5 ; S. 527, 15. Gebycge hé ða lond æt hire mid halfe weorðe let him buy the lands of her at half price, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. ii. 120, 28. Giboht worðe miclum, Rtl. 27, 1. Ðú becýptest folc ðín búton weorðe, Ps. Spl. 43, 14: Ps. Surt. 43, 13. Geseald tó myclum weorðe (wurðe, wyrðe, v. ll.). Mt. Kmbl. 26, 9, 'Ic sille eów hundteóntig þúsenda mittan hwǽtes tó ðam wurðe ðe ic hit bebohte.' . . . Ðæt wyrð ðe hé mid ðam hwǽte genam hé ágeaf ágeán tó ðare ceastre bóte. Th. Ap. 10, 1-9. Fæder gesealde bearn wið weorðe (wurðe, v. l.), Wulfst. 161, 7. Mon áceorfe ða tungan of, ðæt hié mon ná undeórran weorðe móste lésan ðonne hié mon be ðam were geeahtige, L. Alf. pol. 32 ; Th. i. 82, 2. Syle ðú nig wið wurðe and bring ðæt wurð tó ðære stówe, and bige mid ðam ylcan feó swá hwæt swá ðé lícige. Deut. 14, 25-26: 24, 7. Ðæt hé ðæt weorð ágife tó álýsnesse his sáwle pretium redemtionis animae suae, Ps. Th. 48, 7: Bd. 4, 22 ; S. 592, 14. Álésan wé úre sáule ða hwíle ðe wé ðæt weorþ on úrum gewealde habban, Blickl. Homl. 101, 10. Tó berenne ealles middaneardes wurþ (cf. Blickl. Homl. 89, 19 supra], Homl. Skt. ii. 27, 120. Forgelde hé ðæt lond, and ðæt wiorth gedaele, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. i. 234, 33. Wurð, Ex. 21, 35: Homl. Th. i. 62, 3 : 316, 11. Him man his weorð ágefe let the price of the chattel be returned to him, L. H. E. 16; Th. i. 34, 11. Nán man nán þing ne bycge ofer feówer peninga weorð (that costs more than fourpence), L. C. S. 24; Th. i. 390, 3. Þéh ðe hé hié sume wið feó gesealde, hé ðæt weorð nolde ágan ðæt him mon wið sealde, Ors. 4, 10 ; Swt. 198, 17. Ðæs hwǽtes wurð ðe hé ðé, sealde. Gen. 44, 2. Weorð, Exon. Th. 90, 23; Cri. 1478. III. amount to be paid in compensation :-- Mid weorðe forgelde man, L. Ethb. 32; Th. i. 12, 1. Gif esne óðerne ofsleá, ealne weorðe forgelde, 86; Th. i. 24, 11. Gif esnes eáge and fót of weorðeb áslagen, ealne weorðe hine forgelde, 87; Th. i. 24, 14. IV. worth, as in penny-worth, amount of a certain value:-- Nabbaþ hí genóh on twégera hundred penega weorðe (wurþe, v. l.) hláfes ducentorum denariorum panes non sufficiunt eis, Jn. Skt. 6, 7. Sceóte man æt ǽghwilcre híde pænig oððe pæniges weorð, Wulfst. 181, 5: L. O. 11; Th. i. 182, 10. Ðæt hyra ǽgðer hæbbe .lx. penenga wyrð . . . ðæt sý .xxx. penega wyrð, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. vi. 133, 23, 24. [Goth. wairþa galaubamma usbauhtai pretio empti: O. Sax. O. L. Ger. O. Frs. werð ; n. : O. H. Ger. werd ; n. pretium, aestimatio: Icel. verð; n.] V. mann-, or-, pening-weorþ wirþa. weorþ