
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - wer-fǽhþ

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:


f. Slaying, in pursuing the feud, under circumstances that call for the payment of wer [cf. L. Alf. pol. 42 : Be fǽhðum . . . Gif hé (a man's foe) wille on hond gán and his wǽpenu sellan, and hwá ofer ðæt on him feohte, gielde swá wer swá wunde, swá hé gewyrce, Th. i. 90, 19] :-- Be werfǽhðe tyhtlan. Se ðe bið werfǽhðe betogen, and hé onsacan wille ðæs sleges mid áðe, L. In. 54; Th. i. 136, 9-11. Ǽlc mon mót onsacan werfǽhðe gif hé mæg oþþe dear, 46; Th. i. 132, 1. wer-fæhþ