
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - wil

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:


es. ; n. I. will, pleasure :-- Se cyng geseah dæt hē nān þincg his willes dǣr gefordian ne mihte the king saw that he could carry out nothing of his purpose, Chr. 1097; Erl. 234, 6. Hē nolde his willes (of his own accord) heora gefērrǣdene forlǽtan, Homl. Th. ii. 334, 25 : Ap. Th. 4, 5. Wylles, Nicod. 11 ; Thw. 6, 7. Gif hwā hine sylfne besmīte his āgenes willes (sua sponte), L. M. P. 36; Th. ii. 274, 20: Homl. Ass. 62, 255. Gif þeówa and þeówen hyra bēgra wylles hig gesomnigon si servus et ancilla mutua voluntate se conjunxerint, L. Ecg. C. 25; Th. ii. 150, 15. Be dīnum āgenum wille d ū fērdest tō dīnes fæder hīwrǣdene ad tuos ire cupiebas et desiderio erat tibi domus patris tui, Gen. 31, 30. Hī mōston des cynges wille folgian, Chr. 1086 ; Erl. 222, 33. Ne fornime incer nōder ōder ofer will būtan geþafunge nolite fraudare invicem, nisi ex consensu, Past. 51; Swt. 399, 34. Hē genam dæt wīf ofer dæs cynges wil, Chr. 1015 ; Th. i. 276, 4, col. 2. II. a pleasant or desirable thing :-- Willa (wilna? Icel. vil; n. v. ge-, self-, un-wil[l], willes, willa. wil

Parole correlate: willa. VIa) spēdum, dugeda gehwilcre stēpan, Cd. Th. 142, 18 ; Gen. 2363. [þ in aȝen wil, O. E. Homl. i. 61, 119. Liues wil and eche pleie, 193, 62.] Þe onnesse of o luue and of o wil, A. R. 12, 7. Al his wil to don, Laym. 2793. Ðu wurchest mi wil, . Kath. 2108. Þat wil, Shor. 16.
