
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - wiþ-cweþan

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

p. -cwæþ, pl. -cwǽdon; pp. -cweden. I. to reply. VII :-- Ðá wiþcwæþ him se engel contradicens angelus, Bd. 3, 19; S. 549, 6. Com Swegen tó Eádwerde cinge, and gyrnde tó him landes. Ac Harold his bróðor wiðcwæð, and Beorn eorl, ðæt hig noldon him ágyfan nán þingc ðæs ðe se cing heom gegyfen hæfde, Chr. 1049; Erl. 172, 31. Cwæð sum wyln, ðæt hé mid ðam Hǽlende wǽre, and hé wiðcwæð, ðæt hé hine ne cúðe, Homl. Th. ii. 248, 31. II. to gainsay, contradict, maintain an opposite opinion :-- Ða hálgan apostolas heredon ða clǽnnysse ... Se ðe him wiðcwyð, hé ne byð ná wita, ac gedwola, Homl. Ass. 22, 198. Hé sægð ðæt hit sý álýfed, ðæt mæsse-preóstas moton wífian, and míne gewritu wiðcweðaþ ðysum, 13, 7. Ða mágas setton ðam cilde naman Zacharias, ac seó módor him wiðcwæð mid wordum, and se dumba fæder mid gewrite, Homl. Th. i. 354, 25. Drihtne ðrowende him cuoeðende wiðcuoeð Domino passurum se dicenti contradicit, Mk. Skt. p. 4, 2. Hí eallum his wordum wiðcwǽdon, Bd. 2, 2; S. 503, 17. Ne mæg ic ná wiþcweþan ne andsacigan ðæt ðe ðú mé ǽr sǽdest, Bt. 10; Fox 26, 24. Ic ne mæg nó wiþcweþan, ne furþum ongeán ðæt geþencan, 34, 1; Fox 134, 29. Ic sylle eów múð and wísdóm ðam ne magon eówer wiðerwinnan wiðstandan and wiðcweðan (-cuoeða, Lind., -cweoða, Rush. contradicere), Lk. Skt. 21, 15. Hé begann tó wiðcweðenne ðam geleáfan ðe se apostol tǽhte, Homl. Th. ii. 412, 28. III. to contradict, oppose, resist :-- Se man, ðe wiðcwið ðinum wordum qui contradixerit ori tuo et non obedient cunctis sermonibus tuis, Jos. 1, 18. Éghwoelc se ðe hine cyning wyrcið wiðcuoeðæs (wiðcweðes, Rush. contradicit) ðæm cáser, Jn. Skt. Lind. 19, 12. 'Ne stala ðú.' Ðis bebod wiðcweð ǽlcum reáfláce, Homl. Th. ii. 208, 24, 27: 210, 1. Tó écum forwyrde ðám ðe him (Antichrist) onbúgaþ, and tó écere myrhðe ðam ðe him wiðcweðaþ, i. 4, 35. Wiðcwæð reluctaretur, Hpt. Gl. 509, 16. Cristes naman, ðam hí ǽr wiþcwǽdon nomen Christi, cui contradixerant, Bd. 3, 30; S. 562, 16. He wæs ofer eall gemett stearc ðam mannum ðe wiðcwǽdon his willan, Chr. 1086; Erl. 221, 18. Nis nán wuht ðe mæge oððe wille swá heágum góde wiþcweþan non est aliquid, quod summo huic bono vel velit, vel possit obsistere, Bt. 35, 4; Fox 160, 30. On tácen ðam ðe wiðcweden byð in signum cui contradicetur, Lk. Skt. 2, 34. IV. to refuse, reject, not to allow :-- Hé wiðcwyð geðóhtas folce and hé wiðcwyþ geþeaht ealdrum reprobat cogitationes populorum et reprobat consilia principum, Ps. Spl. 32, 10. Ðá com Sparhafoc tó ðam arcebiscope, tó ðam ðet hé hine hádian sceolde. Ðá wiðcweð se arcebiscop, and cwaeð ðet se pápa hie him forboden hæfde, Chr. 1048; Erl. 177, 21. Wiðcwæð renunciaverit, Hpt. Gl. 512, 72. Seó burhwaru wolde ðone hálgan geniman, and Pictauienscisce þearle wiðcwǽdon the citizens wanted to take the saint, and the Poitevins absolutely refused to allow it, Homl. Th. ii. 518, 20. Ðá begann se cyngc gyrnan his sweostor him tó wife, ac hé and his menn ealle lange wiðcwǽdon, and eác heó sylf wiðsóc, 1067; Erl. 204, 17. Ða þrý cnihtas wiðcwǽdon his hǽþenscipe, Homl. Ass. 70, 131. Sume sind gecwedene vitia, ðæt synd leahtras, on manegum wísum miswritene oððe miscwedene; ðám eallum wé sceolon wiðcweðan, gyf wé cunnon ðæt gesceád, Ælfc. Gr. 50, 23; Zup. 294, 15. IV a. with dat. of person to whom a refusal is given :-- Hé wolde ðæt hé ána wǽre heora cyning, ac ealle ða leódscipas ánmódlíce him wiðcwǽdon, Homl. Ass. 103, 34. IV b. with dat. of person and gen. of thing refused :-- Him ða burgleóde ðæs wiðcwǽdon, Ors. 3, 7; Swt. 116, 8. Gif inc hwá ðæs wiþcweþe, Blickl. Homl. 71, 1. [Ealle munechades men hit wiðcwæðen ... Ealle þa biscopas him underfengen, him wiðcwæðen muneces and eorles, Chr. 1123; Erl. 250, 17, 24. He wiðquað (respondit, Lk. 3, 16), and sede, O. E. Homl. ii. 137, 30.] v. wiþer-cweþan. wiþ-cweþan

Parole correlate: wiþ,
