
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - wiþþe

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:


f. A with (wiþþis), a thong, cord:--Wiððe loramentum vel tormentum, Wrt. Voc. i. 57, 26: lorumentum, ii. 53, 39. Wiððe circus vel circulus, ráp funiculus vel funis, i. 15, 18-19: 75, 3-4. Hé hét hí (Agatha) on hencgene ástreccan, and ðráwan swá swá wiððan, Homl. Skt. i. 8, 113. Hé bebeád ðám cwellerum, ðæt hí hine mid wiððum handum and fótum on ðære róde gebundon, Homl. Th. i. 594, 31: 596, 21. [Nimeð me þene ilke mon, and doð wiððe (raketeȝe, 2nd MS.) an his sweore, Laym. 22833. Twælf swine iteied tosomne, mid wiðen swiðe grete ywriðen al togadere, 25973. Crist himm wrohhte an swepe all alls itt wære off wiþþess, Orm. 15563. Þe þief . . . þet heþ nieȝ þe wyþþe ine þe nykke, Ayenb. 135, 25. Witthe, wythth boia, Prompt. Parv. 531. O. Frs. withthe: Icel. viðja, and við; gen. viðjar.] v. cyne-wiþþe. wiþþe

Parole correlate: Jud. 16, 9 where Wicklif has
