Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - wǽr
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- wǽr
- f. A covenant, compact, agreement, pledge:--Wǽr is æt-somne Godes and monna, gǽsthálig treów, Exon. Th. 36, 29; Cri. 583. [Gewemme]dre wǽre violati foederis (pacti), Hpt. Gl. 496, 3: Cd. Th. 186, 18; Exod. 140. Wǽre gemyndig, 143, 1; Gen. 2372. Wǽre (cf. Icel. use in pl.) foedus, i. pactum, conjunctio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 148, 43. Clam oððe wed oððe wǽra clasma, 21, 2. Wǽra foedera, i. pacta amicitiae, certa amicitia, 148, 38. Ðære sibbe wære (cujus foedera pacis) betwyh ða ylcan cyningas and heora ríce áwunedon, Bd. 4, 21; S. 590, 25. Be-weddedum wǽrum pactis sponsalibus, Hpt. Gl. 439, 19. Se cyng mid his folce hiene gesóhte. Ac Agothocles gedyde untreówlíce wið hiene, ðæt hé hiene on his wǽrum (MS. L. has warum) beswác and ofslóg rex pactus est cum Agathocle communionem belli. Sed postquam in unum exercitus junxerunt per Agathoclem insidiis circumventus occisus est, Ors. 4, 5; Swt. 170, 10. Wǽre genóman foedus fecerunt, Wrt. Voc. ii. 39, 25. Ðæt ic ða wǽre forlǽte ðe ic tó swá myclum cyninge genom ut pactum, quod cum tanto rege inii, ipse primus irritum faciam, Bd. 2, 12; S. 513, 24. Wére trume fæstnie pactum firmum feriat, Txts. 172, 8. Ic ðé wǽre míne selle, Cd. Th. 132, 33; Gen. 2202: 171, 22; Gen. 2832. Ic ðé bidde, ðæt ðú treówa selle, wǽra ðína, 170, 24; Gen. 2818. Gewríþ sibbe wǽre l wedd asstringe pacis vedeta, Hymn. Surt. 29, 3. Pehta cynn hafaþ sibbe and wǽre mid Angelðeóde Pictorum natio foedus pacis cum gente habet Anglorum, Bd. 5, 23; S. 646, 34. Haldende wére servantes pactum, Ps. Surt. 118, 158. Utan wé ða drihtenlícan wǽra gehealdan, Wulfst. 253, 3. Wǽre healdan, Cd. Th. 216, 22; Dan. 10. Wið Waldend wǽre healdan, fæste treówe, 204, 19; Exod. 421: Andr.Kmbl. 426; An. 213: Elen. Kmbl. 1643; El. 823: Exon. Th. 339, 28; Gn. Ex. 101. Hé ða wǽre and ða winetreówe lǽstan wolde, 475, 19; Bo. 50: 172, 17; Gú. 1145: Cd. Th. 93, 8; Gen. 1542: 139, 10; Gen. 2307: 142, 23; Gen. 2366. Ðæt ǽnig mon wordum ne worcum wǽre ne brǽce, Beo. Th. 2205; B. 1100. Heó his (Joseph's) mǽgwinum morðor fremedon, wǽre frǽton, Cd. Th. 187, 7; Exod. 147. Hé lyt wǽre ge-wonade, Exon. Th. 148, 19; Gú. 747. Wé sceolon ús geearnian ða siblecan wǽra Godes and manna, Blickl. Homl. 111, 3. [O. H. Ger. wára foedus; Icel. várar; pl.]