
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - wróht

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:


f. : es; m. I. accusation :-- Wróht accusatio (ex-, MS. ), Wrt. Voc. ii. 146, 15. Wróhte insimulatio, 44, 74. Hie susurro ðes rúnere oððe wróht, Ælfc. Gr. 36; Zup. 217, 3. Leésere wróhte strophosae accusationis, Hpt. Gl. 505, 55. Wróhte insimulalione, accusatione, 517, 55. Uuróctae, uuróchtae, Txts. 70, 524. Mid micelre wróhte hine wrégende. Homl. Th. ii. 250. 10. Hwylce wróhte (accusationem) bringe gé ongeán ðysne man? Jn. Skt. 18, 29. Mid leásum wróhtum beswicene falsis criminationibus seducti, Scint. 136, 11. Ða wecian gástas wróhta onsægdon sequuntur accusationes malignorum spirituum, Bd. 3, 19 ; S. 548, 35. II. a false accusation, slander, calumny. II :-- Heó (the Egyptians) his (Joseph's) mǽgwinum morðor fremedon, wróht berénedon- (cf. Ex. l, 9 -- 11),. . . mánum treówum woldon hié dæt feorhleán fácne gyldan, Cd. Th. 187, 6 ; Exod. 147. Huscworde ongan þurh inwitþanc ealdorsacerd herme hyspan, wróht webbode; hé on gewitte oncneów, ðæt wé sóðfæstes swaðe folgodon, Andr. Kmbl. 1343; An. 672. Gé inwitþancum wróht webbedon, Elen. Kmbl. 617; El. 309. Ne beó nǽnig man bregda tó full, ne inwit tó leóf, ne wrohtas tó webgenne, ne searo tó rénigenffe, Blickl. Homl. 109, 29. III. what is an occasion for accusation, fault, crime, offence :-- Wæg heora wróht biþ him via illorum scandalum ipsis, Ps. Spl. T. 48, 13. Wróhtes wyrhtan (the devil), fyrnsynna fruman. Exon. Th. 263, 7 ; Jul. 346. Hé gewrégde his bróðru tó hira fæder ðære mǽstan wróhte accusavit fratres suos apud patrem crimine, Gen. 37, 2. Gangende on eallum his bebodum bútan wróhte (s ine quaerela), Lk. Skt. 1. 6. Ðone wróht abominationem, Mk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 13, 14. Ðú wróhte onstealdest, Cd. Th. 56, 12; Gen. 911: 57, 22; Gen. 932. Hwæt sceal ic má ríman yfel endeleás ? Ic eall gebær wráþe wróhtas geond werþeóde, ða ðe gewurdon from fruman worulde, Exon. Th. 272, 30; Jul. 507. IV. a quarrel, strife :-- Wearð micel ungeþwǽrnes, . . . swá nán mon nyste hwonon sió wróht com, Ors. 6, 4; Swt. 260, 21. Wǽron ðá gesóme ða ðe swegl búan, wroht wæs ásprungen, Cd. Th. 6, 4; Gen. 83 : 114, 12; Gen. 1903. Wæs wróht gemǽne, hereníð hearda, Beo. Th. 4938; B. 2473: 5819; 6. 2913: 4564; 8. 2287: Exon. Th. 125, 30 ; Gú. 362. Tó ðæm sǽde ðære wróhte ad seminanda jurgia, Past. 47 ; Swt. 358, 3. Bið ðæt deófol on wróhte onlícnisse; . . . bið se Pater Noster oh sibbe onlícnisse. Salm. Kmbl. p. 146, 20. Ðú worhtest wróhte betwuh ðé and ðínre módor suna óðrum adversus filium matris tuae ponebas scandalum, Ps. Th. 49, 21. Sume ic geteáh tó geflite, . . . ic him byrlade wróht of wége, Exon. Th. 271, 24; Jul. 487. Hí wróht áhófan, heardne heresíþ, 317, 2 ; Mód. 59. Hé in wuldre wróhte onstalde, Cd. Th. 287, 19; Sat. 369. Mars macode ǽfre gewinn and wróhte, Wulfst. 106, 25. Ða ðe wróhte sáwaþ seminantes jurgia, Past. 47 ; Swt. 357, 14, 22. V. cause of complaint, injury, hurt :-- Næs hyra wlite gewemmed. ne nǽnig wróht on hrægle, Cd. Th. 243, 17; Dan. 437. Ne bið him on ðám wícum wiht tó sorge, wróht ne wéþel ne gewindagas, Exon. Th. 238, 30; Ph. 612. Rǽhton wide geond werþeóda wróhtes telgan, hrinon hearmtánas hearde drihta bearnum. Cd. Th. 61, 3 ; Gen. 991. Dú woldest láðlíce þurh ðæt wíf on mé wróhte álecgean, ormǽte yfel, 162, 21; Gen. 2684. [O. Sax. wróht strife. Cf. Goth. wróhs accusation : Icel. róg slander; poet, strife.] wroht

Parole correlate: wróht-bora,
