Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ealdor-dóm
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
- ealdor-dóm
- Add: I. greatness, power, authority :-- Ðá wurdon æteówode fela ðúsend engla, ðý lǽs ðe wǽre geþúht ánes engles ealdordóm tó hwónlic tó swá micelre bodunge, Hml Th. i. 38, 5. Ealdordóme auctoritate, An. Ox. 2598. Ealderdóm auctoritatem, i. praerogativam, 2873. Þurh láreówa ealdordóm, Wlfst. 285, 28. II. state of superiority, pre-eminence, primacy. (1) of persons :-- Claudius him wæs on teónde ealdordóm ofer þá óþere primus ex decemviris solus Appius Claudius sibi continuavit imperium, Ors. 2, 6; S. 88, 20. Hé lǽreð aldordóm ne sié tó soecanne docet primatum non esse quaerendum. Mk. p. 4, 8. (2) of things :-- Swylce eác be ðám heán muntum and dúnum, þá þe heáh standað ofer ealne middaneard, þá hwæðere wíte habbað þæs ealdordómes, þæt heó beóð genehhe mid heofonfýre geþreáde, Wlfst. 262, 14. Hwilce þé geþúht betwux worold-cræftas healdan ealdordóm quales tibi videtur inter seculares artes retinere primatum?, Coll. M. 30, 25. III. rule, government, any official position involving command of others :-- His ealdordóm ys on eaxle factus est principatus super humerum ejus (Is. 9, 6), Ælfc. T. Grn. 9, 14. Licge se ealdordóm on unfriðe, Ll. Th. i. 286, 34. Ealdordó[me] municipatu, i. principatu, An. Ox. 3030. Ðǽm aldordóme ðæs undercyniges principatui praesidis, Lk. R. 20, 20. Hé him æfter fyligde on ðæs mynstres ealdordóme (regimine), Gr. D. 96, 7. Israhéla folc geceás Ionatham, biddende þæt hé wǽre heora heáfod and heretoga; and hé féng ðá tó ealdordóme swá swá hí bǽdon, Hml. S. 25, 718. Hér forðférde Ælfere ealdorman, and féng Ælfríc tó þám ilcan ealdordóme, 983; P. 125, 6. Óslác féng tó ealdordóme (was made earl of Deira), Ch. 966; P. 119, 2. Óslác eorl and eal here þe on his ealdordóme wunað. Ll. Th. i. 278, 6. Willelm cyngc geaf Ródbearde eorle þone ealdordóm ofer Norðhymbra land, 1067; P. 203, 20. Ealdordóm tribunatum, i. principatum, Hpt. Gl. 427, 22. Ealderdóm monarchiam, i. principatum, An. Ox. 1994. Geðence hé ðone ealdordóm his onwealdes; and ... forsió hé his ealdordóm ... potestatem sui prioratus agnoscat; et honore suppresso ..., Past. 107, 13. Fasces, i. honores cynedómas vel aldor[dómas], Wrt. Voc. ii. 146, 51. Þá gecorenan ðe ... þá lǽssan gebróðru oferstígað mid ealdorscipe, þá habbað heora dǽl betwux ðám heofenlícum ealderdómum (principalities, Col. 1, 16), Hml. Th. i. 344, 33. IV. a beginning :-- Þis is ealdordóm uncres gewinnes on fruman gefongen (cf. þis is a beginnunge of þe sar ꝥ tu schalt ... drehen, Jul. 27, 8), Jul. 190. [He (Christ) ræfeþþ þe (John) þín alderrdom, Orm. 18278.] ealdor-dom