
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-búr

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:


Add: I. glossing Latin words :-- Gibuur colonus, vicinus, Txts. 46, 163. Gebúr colonus, Wrt. Voc. i. 288, 32. Gebýr, ii. 17, 6. II. used of others than English :-- Ic wæs gebúr on þám lande þe [hátte] Nisibim, Shrn. 36, 21. Hit gelamp in Samni ꝥ sumes ríces mannes tún wæs, in ðám his gebúr (colonus) hæfde sunu, Gr. D. 11, 4. Níwum gebúrum rudibus (florulentae telluris) colonis, An. Ox. 11, 87. III. as a technical English term it has much the same meaning as villein, then follows an account of what the gebúr was bound to do), C.D. iii. 450, 34. Dudda wæs gebúr into Hǽðfeldan, vi. 211, 28. Bráda hátte wæs gebúr tó Hǽðfelda, and Hwíte hátte ðæs Brádan wíf, wæs gebúres dohtor tó Hǽðfelda, 212, 15-17. Cynelm hátte Cénwaldes fæder, wæs gebúr intó Hæðfelda, and Manna hátte Cénwaldes sunu, sit æt Wádtúne under Eádwolde, 26. An hió ðám híwum ðára gebúra ðe on ðám gafollande sittað, and ðéra þeówra manna hió an Eádgyfe, 132, 30. [O.H. Ger. ge-búr, -búro municeps, incola, vicinus, civis, rusticus.] v. tún-gebúr; á-búrod. gebur,ge-bur

Parole correlate: Seebohm, Vill. Comm. s.v. :-- Se gebúr sceal his riht dón (
