Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-býrian
Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:
-býrigan, -bírian;
- ge-býrian
- 3rd sing. eþ; p. ede; pp. ed; 3rd sing. aþ; p. ode; pp. od. [The cognate words point to a short vowel.] I. evenire, accidere, contingere, pertinere ad :-- ÐDonne hit gebýrigan mæg when it may happen, Bt. Met. Fox 4, 22; Met. 4, 11. Syle me mínne dǽl mínre ǽhte, ðe me to gebýreþ da mihi portionem substantiæ quæ me contingit, Lk. Bos. 15, 12. Hit nis náuht ðæt mon cwiþ ðæt ǽnig þing weás gebýrige it is naught [nothing] that men say that anything happens by chance, Bt. 40, 5; Fox 240, 28 : Ps. Th. 4, 5. Ðás ðing gebyrigeaþ ǽryst oportet primum hæc fieri, Lk. Bos. 21, 9. Men cwǽdon gió ðonne him hwæt unwénunga gebýrede, ðæt ðæt wære weás gebýred men said formerly, when anything happened to them unexpectedly, that it happened by chance, Bt. 40, 6; Fox 242, 4 : 16, 2; Fox 54, 3. Gebýrode, Ex. 14, 28. And feng to ealle ðam landum ðe ðǽr-to gebýredon and took to all the lands which thereto belonged, Chr. 910; Erl. 101, 6. II. v. impers. It pertains to, it is fitting or suitable, it becomes, it behoves; pertinet ad, convenit, oportet, decet :-- Swá gebýreþ ælcum Cristnum men as it becometh every Christian man, Ps. Th. 39, Arg. Swá ðǽr-to gebýrige as may thereto be becoming, L. Eth. vi. 22; Th. i. 320, 11 : L. Ath. v. 1, 4; Th. i. 230, 3. Ne gebýraþ hit swá non ita convenit, Gen. 48, 18. Him ne gebýraþ to ðám sceápum non pertinet ad eum de ovibus, Jn. Bos. 10, 13. Him gebýrode to ðám þearfum de egenis pertinebat ad eum, 12, 6. Hine man byrigde swá him wel gebýrede they buried him as well became him, Chr. 1036; Th. 294, 22, On ealle þeóda gebýraþ beón ðæt gódspel gebodod in omnes gentes oportet prædicari evangelium, Mk. Bos. 13, 10. [Orm. 3rd pres. birrþ it becomes, 3rd p. birrde : Havl. p. birde : R. Brun. burd : Gaw. gloss. burde : O. Sax. giburian accidere, evenire, contingere : Ger. gebühren : O. H. Ger. gaburjan pertinere, contingere : O. Nrs. byrja incipere, inchoare, decere.] v. býrian. ge-byrian