
Dizionario Anglo-Sassone Inglese Antico di Bosworth & Toller - ge-coren

Secondo il Dizionario dell'Inglese Antico:

Add: (1) distinguished, prominent :-- Hí nǽron for nánum cræfte gecorene, búton for dyseges folces heringe, Bt. 27, 3; F. 100, 3. (l a) distinguished by excellence, excellent, noble :-- Se eádiga wer wæs gecoren man on godcundum dǽdum and ealra gesnyttra goldhord. Guth. 92, 16. Þára monna mód þe beóð on heora gecynde gecorene praestantes natura mentes, Bt. 18, 1; F. 60, 22. Þá feówer and twéntig gecorenra þe God heriað (cf. vigintiquattuor seniores cantabant ... dicentes: 'Dignus es, Domine,' Reemeritos, Wrt. Voc. ii. 32, 73. Þæt gecoreneste lectissima (uirgo), 95, 43: 52, 66. (2) approved, held in high esteem :-- Ðysse wyrte syndon twá cynrena ... óþer ys tó lǽcedómum swýþe gecoren, Lch. i. 298, 6. (2 a) with dat. of person approving :-- Wæs ðæt Gode swíðe gecoren man on his dǽdum, Bl. H. 211, 15. Se sunnandæg is swíáe micelum gecoren eallum Godes gesceaftum, for ðám þe hé wæs ealra daga se ǽresta, and hé bið se néxta, Wlfst. 209, 31. Heó wǽron þá sélestan and þá gecorenestan witan ǽgðer ge Gode ge mannum, 214, 4. (3) beloved; dilectus :-- Eálá ðú mín gecorena dilecte mi, Kent. Gl. 1125. (4) honourable; probus :-- Gecorenum probo (proco), Wrt. Voc. ii. 95, 20. Wer gecorenne (-one, -ene, v.ll.) on his þeáwum uirum probum moribus, Bd. 3, 23; Sch. 299, 9. ge-coren

Parole correlate: 5, 8-9), Ll. Lbmn. 415, 18. Þá æþelan, þá gecorenan
