Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - rǽdan
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- rǽdan
- II a. add :-- Þá rédon (rǽddan, ) hí him betweónum and cwǽdon consultatione habita, Ors. 1, 14; S. 56, 20. Hí heom betweónan rǽddon and þus geþwǽrlíce cwǽdon, Hml. S. 23, 201. II b. add: to say in consultation :-- Ðeáh ðé mon hwylces hlihge, and ðú ðé unscyldigne wile, ne réhst ðú hwæt hý rǽdon oððe rúnion, Prov. K. 12. II c. add: to consult the interests of :-- Filiendre æftergencgnisse rǽddan successure posteritati consulebant, An. Ox. 2696. III. add :-- Ðá ðá preóstas ðis gehýrdan, þá rǽddan hí ð hí náman twégen of heom and sendan tó þám pápan, Chr. 995; P. 130, 21. Hé wolde witan æt him hwæt his suna rǽddon (hrǽddon, v. l.), Hml. S. 5, 155. Gefare hé ꝥ ꝥ God rǽde (cf. wille, 24), Ll. Th. i. 344, 29. IV. add :-- Hé wíslíce rǽdde for Gode and for worulde eall his þeóde, Chr. 959; P. 115, 6. VI. add: (1) trans, (a) to have an idea, suppose (α) with acc. :-- Monige menn . . . angiennað. . , smeágean suíðor ðonne him ðearf sié tó begonganne, and rǽdað sume leásunge on ðǽre smeáunge nonnulli se in inquisitionibus plus quam necesse est exercentes, ex nimia subtilitate falluntur, Past. 67, 4. Hí (the guards of Christ's sepulchre) námon þone sceatt and swáþeáh múþetton and on synderlicum rúnungum þæt riht rǽddon (in secret talks apart they supposed what the truth was), Hml. A. 79, 161. (β) with clause :-- Þá ongann hé mid gleáwum móde þencean and rǽdan (rǽsian, smeágean, v. ll.) þætte nán óðer intinga wǽre coepit sagaci animo conicere, quod nulla esset alia causa, Bd. 3, 10; Sch. 233,3. (a a) to guess, tell by conjecture :-- Hí héton hine rǽdan hwá hine hrepode, Hml. Th. ii. 248, 14. (b) to make out the meaning of a riddle, dream, &c. :-- Gif heora hwilc . . . þone rǽdels áriht rǽdde, þonne wearð sé tó beheáfdunge gelǽd, swá same swá sé ðe hine áriht ne rǽdde, Ap. Th. 3, 15-19. (c) to peruse without uttering in speech, to read to oneself :-- Tó gefyllenne þe hé rǽd ad implendum que legit, Scint. 219, 17. Manega ðǽra Iúdéa rǽddon (rédon, altered from réddon, L. réddun, R. legerunt) þiss gewrit, Jn. 19, 20. Hé hálsaþ ǽlcne þára ðe þás bóc rǽdan lyste, Bt. proem; F. viii. 11. (d) to learn by perusal, find a statement recorded :-- Rǽde hé on his bócum hwelce ungetína hié dreógende wǽron, Ors. 1, 11; S. 50, 17. Gesunde úp ástandan synd rǽdde sospites emersisse leguntur, An. Ox. 4785. ¶ where the statement is implied :-- Ðá fnædu þá untrumnyssa áflýgdon, swá swá wé rǽdað (we read the statement that the hems put sickness to flight) be sumum wífe (in the case of a certain woman), Hml. Th. ii. 394, 1. Man nam of þám ylcan munecan biscopas tó gehwylcre stówe, swá þú rǽddan miht on Ystoria Anglorum, Chr. 995; P. 129, 36. (d a) to find a subject mentioned, read of :-- Þrý Heródes wé rǽdað on bócum, Hml. Th. ii. 382, 34. (e) to read aloud :-- Móises rǽdde his bóc þám folce, Ex. 24, 7. On rǽdingsceamele synd rǽdde in pulpito recitantur, leguntur, An. Ox. 4814. (2) intrans. or absolute (a) to read to oneself :-- Þonne ongyte sé þe rǽt (rédes, L. R. legit), Mk. 13, 14. Hé hine ǽnne gemétte sittende and rǽdendne ætforan þám mynstergeate, Gr. D. 163, 24. (b) to read aloud, read to others :-- Hé árás ꝥ hé rǽdde (tó rédanne, L. R., legere), Lk. 4, 16. VII. add: to dress, trim, set in order :-- Hé forlét þá leóhtfatu þe hé rǽdde and fylde (behwearf, v. l.) lampades quas reficiebat relinquens, Gr. D. 46, 31. On fealuwes leá þǽr Ælfríc biscop rédan hét tó þǽre ealdan díc, C. D. ii. 250, 30. The Latin version of Ll. Th. i. 434, 15 is: Arabit unaquaque septimana .i. acram, et ipse parabit semen domini sui in horreo. [Perhaps the examples under VII. should be given under a separate word. v. N. E. D. rede (1) and (2); also read.] v. wiþ-rǽdan. rædan